Where Will You Be When Your Moment Arrives?

A few of the definitions Merriam-Webster uses to describe a moment are:

  1. A minute portion or point of time
  2. A time of excellence or conspicuousness
  3. A stage in historical or logical development

From these definitions, we realize moments are important and they are consequential depending on how we treat them.

We all have those “moments” that have marked our lives in positive and negative ways. Perhaps they came in the form of opportunities that we seized or carelessly let slip through our fingers. Some moments have the power to alter the trajectory of our lives substantially, while others may lend themselves toward a more subtle outcome. The focus of this month’s blog is to bring a greater awareness of the moments in our lives and to harness their potential.

The bible is filled with iconic accounts of individuals who recognized their “moment” and maximized it for the Kingdom of God. Moses, Joseph, Jael, David, Ruth, Peter, the woman with the issue of blood. Think about the accounts of Rebecca, Rahab and the woman at the well. These are GREAT examples of people who seized a pivotal moment and their lives were forever changed. I encourage you to set aside some time to dig into their stories. I’m confident Holy Spirit will reveal how your life correlates to many that have been canonized in scripture.

Jeremiah 29:11 promises us that God has many “moments” planned for our lives. Good ones! Psalm 139:16 assures us that God has laid out every moment of our lives in His book! However, these plans and moments do have conditions. You might be thinking at this point, “I knew it! There’s always a catch!” Hold on just a “moment” before you make up your mind and dismiss what could be just thing you’ve been waiting for.

God does have a great plan for your life. A plan that’s filled with amazing moments…lots of them. This plan has one condition though….you have to choose it. It doesn’t happen automatically. So many people mistakenly think that God can just do whatever He wants and they are absolved of responsibility or engagement. Nothing could be further from the truth! Also, it’s never too late for you to get started with God’s plan. He is able to redeem your life regardless of your age or mistakes you have made!

While God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (everywhere at the same time) and omniscient (all-knowing), He also gives us free will. He wants us to choose Him and when we do, we receive ALL the benefits of being one of His children. If you haven’t chosen God’s plan, I encourage you to make that choice today.

I want to encourage you with this powerful truth today…you haven’t missed your moment. Don’t believe the enemy’s lie that you screwed up and now your “moment” has passed and there will never be another one that will come your way. That’s not true.

God specializes in redeeming things…lives, moments, relationships, finances, health…anything! “But Judy, I don’t see how God could possibly redeem the situation in my life!” Exactly. We don’t see it, but God does. He is able to see way beyond what we can. Isaiah 55 assures us of this. That’s where faith and trust in His plan comes in.

Spend some time with God asking Him to reveal His plan to you. Give Him permission to show you adjustments that need to be made in order for you to get in line with what He has prepared for you. Don’t worry about limitations. Let God take care of it. He can accelerate a timeline and supernaturally get you caught up!

Blessings, Judy