The Final Round

UGH! So, the elections didn’t exactly turn out the way we wanted them to, right? Now what??

We have fasted, prayed, bound, loosed, decreed and declared for months! Then we voted!!

The temptation to succumb to frustration and disappointment is right in our faces! It’s like the devil is taunting us, “See….what good did it do? All that praying and decreeing and you still didn’t get everything you wanted. Just give up, it’s not working. Your nation is falling apart and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

Yeah, you liar, I’ll bet that’s exactly what you want us to do, but guess what?? In your arrogance, you proudly boasted how you’ve cheated and now we are wise to all of your deception and dirty tricks.

It’s time for the final round and the Body of Christ is ready! God’s Ekklesia is finally awake, taking its rightful place of authority and His Remnant Army is on the move! We are no longer cowering in fear, afraid of what might happen if we speak up and defend ourselves against demonic agendas and evil ideologies designed to destroy us and the coming generations.

We might not have won every battle, but WE WILL WIN THIS WAR! If our God is for us, who can be against us? Our faces are set like a flint and nothing will deter us from reclaiming our nation for God!


No more corrupt career politicians who have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money. You can no longer lead us. You are being removed and replaced by people that God has specifically chosen for this season. Our nation is returning to Jesus!

God, we invite you back into our government, back into our schools and back into our CHURCHES!

Take notice, hireling shepherds, you are being removed and replaced by true shepherds who genuinely fear God and care for His people. No more man pleasers who shut out Holy Spirit and refuse to allow Him to minister to the people as He chooses to. You who have sold out your congregations for monetary gain; you are finished. You who secretly sin behind closed doors, do you really think God doesn’t see you? Everything that has been done in secret will be brought out into the open. My advice? Repent while you still can. Cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness.

Judy, wow, this month’s blog post is pretty strong. YES! I’ve had enough of tiptoeing around so-called “delicate”, controversial issues because of some false doctrine that says Christians and the church aren’t supposed to speak up about government and politics. That’s why we are in this mess! No more!

Now is NOT the time to let our foot off the gas pedal! Just because all the races didn’t end up the way we wanted them to DOES NOT mean that our prayers weren’t answered! TRUST GOD! He knows EXACTLY what He’s doing.

Keep praying!

Keep decreeing!

Keep binding!

Keep loosing!


Look at Isaiah 50:7 from The Message:

“And the Master, God, stays right there and helps me, so I’m not disgraced. Therefore I set my face like flint, confident that I’ll never regret this.”

It’s time for the knockout punch. Don’t fall for the devil’s lies. He wants us to give up, but that’s not going to happen! Quite the opposite. We are shaking it off, tightening the gloves and going in for the final round! We’re wiser now. We know his weaknesses and our eyes are wide open to his schemes. He knows he’s lost and we need to finish him off!

Be encouraged saints! Our God is going before us and guaranteeing our victory! Hallelujah!!!