The Era of Transition

How to adapt to an atmosphere of, “Change, or be changed.”

We are living in an atmosphere of transition almost every day now. Change is the norm; some of it, we plan for and celebrate, some of it, we could never have imagined and it grieves us to our core. There are changes that give us fair warning. We know when summer is ending and fall is approaching, it’s time to replace the flip-flops and swimsuits with sweaters and boots in order to be prepared for the cold weather that’s coming.

Depending on which part of the United States you are from, not planning ahead for the upcoming season change can be detrimental to say the very least.

Not only is fall approaching here in the physical realm, we are experiencing a major season shift in the spiritual realm as well. IF you are paying attention, you have sensed it for a while and have been preparing.

Church as we knew it is gone.

No longer is it acceptable to have perfectly choreographed performance-based entertainment on Sunday mornings, complete with lights, fog machines and three point messages that we can make lunch reservations by because they are timed to the second.

Holy Spirit is extending an invitation to enter into new realms of God’s glory and presence that we have never experienced before. This won’t happen if we exclude Him in the production schedule or He doesn’t fit in the “run of show”.

There’s been a shift in the spirit that’s making its way into churches that will allow it. We are living in the days where Holy Spirit is saying to us, “Change or be changed.” It’s not a threat or punitive in any way, but rather a Divine disruption from heaven that implores us to align ourselves with what God is doing in the earth right now.

As with everything Kingdom related, our free will plays a massive part in whether or not we choose to participate in this new thing God is doing. Holy Spirit will not push His way into our sanctuaries. He will simply move on to another church, leaving those who are not interested much the same way His anointing departed from Samson. He wasn’t even aware that it had left him.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready! I have been looking, fasting, praying, declaring, decreeing and believing for an awakening within the church and outside its walls for some time now. The Ekklesia has risen up and God has His Remnant preparing. He is doing a new thing and we want to be right in the middle of it!

A word of caution though – do not assume what Holy Spirit is doing will look like what He’s done before. This would be a mistake. God is God and He can do whatever, however and whenever He wants. Our role is to simply yield and obey when we are given our individual and corporate assignments.

I believe with all my heart that very soon, there will be areas within the US that will become “regions of light”. Multiplied millions will come into direct contact with the love, mercy, kindness and power of a supernatural Almighty God that will forever change their lives and their eternal destinies.

Are you dressed appropriately? Have you discerned the shift in the atmosphere? It’s not too late to get it in gear and align yourself with what God wants to do with you individually and within your community.

I encourage you to set aside time each day to seek God; ask Him what your role is individually and corporately within your local church. We have transitioned into a VERY exciting time.

It will not be without its challenges and don’t assume that God will reveal everything to us all at once. It’s been my experience, His nature is to release one step, a portion, an opportunity for us to see what we will do with it. When we have shown Him that we are serious, listening, willing and obedient, then more is released. It’s the whole “you don’t give a toddler the keys to the car” principle.

When I think about the sovereignty of God and the fact that He chose THIS time for you and me to be on the earth! What a privilege! What an honor! We get to be a part of His end time remnant army!

We are on the precipice of a supernatural awakening and revival that has never been seen on the earth before. We want to be prepared so when the time comes and our assignment is released to us that we will be found faithful, ready and able.