What Do Your Spiritual Tan Lines Say About You?

It’s August! Can you believe how fast this summer is flying by! I have been so consumed with getting my last 3 books published and released that I got behind writing the monthly blog! Good Morning Abba is available in all 3 formats and Rise of The Remnant and Labels will be available soon.

While I was praying about what to write this month, I felt prompted to talk about tan lines…weird, right? I was like, “Tan lines, really?” Then I saw what was behind it and I got really excited.

Confessions of a Former Sun Worshipper
I was one of those people who had a plan when it came to getting my summer tan each year. I LOVED being in the sun! I tan super easy and I get pretty dark, so if I was purposeful about it, I could get and maintain an amazing tan by June! I didn’t use sunscreen and was outside from sunrise to sunset. Of course, I didn’t realize how damaging it was to my skin at the time, but I didn’t care when I was younger, I wanted that tan.

One of the things I mastered was tan lines. They were crisp and clean and always in the right place. I could tell when I reached my “maximum” tan threshold by looking at my tan lines. You get the picture….

The Wrong Kind of Tan Lines
Pondering why God would prompt me to write a blog about tan lines, I began to pray about it and saw the point right away that He was trying to make.

When I was working diligently on my tan, I was always in public, so I had to be purposeful about areas that needed to be covered up, and consequently those areas were not exposed to the sun. However, I was able to gauge my tan by looking at the comparison between the parts of me that were exposed to the sun and the parts of me that weren’t.

Did you know the same is true about our spiritual lives? What?? Judy, what in the world are you talking about?!?

I’ll prove it to you…let’s shift our focus from the sun to “The Son” and you’ll see.

Just like my swimsuit covered parts of me and created natural tan lines, as followers of Christ, we create spiritual tan lines when we cover parts of our lives up so they aren’t exposed to “The Son”. Our goal should be to shoot for no spiritual tan lines. That would mean that every part of us is exposed to Jesus and His love and there isn’t anywhere He can’t reach. I’m not talking about your physical skin here, I’m talking about your heart, your soul and your spirit.

Don’t Hide From The Son
Are there parts of you that you have covered up because you don’t want it exposed to the Son? Do you have wounds from your past and the pain so great, you don’t want to even think about it, so you just leave it covered up by pretending everything is ok? What you need is more “Sonlight”!! Let the light of God break through to those areas of your mind and heart that have been slowly wilting away in the dark.

I don’t have a very green thumb, but I like to have flowers and shrubs in my yard. I have learned that when some plants begin to wilt, all they need is a little sunlight and they perk right back up! The same is true for our lives. Get out in The Son! Let His love melt away worries, anxieties, fears, disappointments, betrayals….whatever challenges you are currently dealing with, part of the solution is the get it into The Son!

When I was working on my tan early in the summer, there was always danger of too much sun exposure which always resulted in a painful sunburn., but you can NEVER have too much “Son” exposure! As a matter of fact, you can stay in “The Son” as long as you want everyday! It’s good for you! It’s healthy and the benefits last for eternity!

We need more of Jesus…we need His light and love and His power….not to just survive the times we are living in, but to THRIVE in the times we are living in!

Is your soul is looking a little pale? You need more “Son” exposure! I recommend getting a copy of my book, “Good Morning Abba”. It’s a 52-week devotional designed to usher you into the “Sonlight” and develop a deeper walk with God. It’s a record of my personal, intimate conversations with Jesus and how He’s walked me through from a place of pain to power. It’s available in paperback, e-book and Audible at Good Morning Abba.