Revenge – Dealing With Offense

Is It Acceptable For Christians To Be Offended?
Not so fast. Don’t be too quick to assume you know the answer. Let’s not approach this through a traditional religious lens; I want to take a legitimate look at this sly little devil that sneaks its way into our lives. It’s a shape-shifter; it can change the way it looks and sounds in order to gain entrance into our souls any way it can.

Let’s put the issue to rest about the possibility of Christians being offended. Of course it’s possible. As long as we have free will, we have the power to choose whatever we want, including taking on an offense as well as how we choose to process it. Where I want to camp for this month’s blog is that process. Offenses are going to happen, the Bible says so. How are we supposed to handle them though? How can we make offenses serve us instead of becoming a prisoner and a slave to them?

Learning By Example
Recently, I had the opportunity to allow an offense to take root in my heart. Offense happens when we are unexpectedly hurt or betrayed by a person we love or an event that occurs and then the pain of that heart-wound produces feelings inside our soul. It’s at that moment, we need to make a decision about how we will handle those emotions because if left unchecked, they will take root and end up hurting us so much more than the initial offense.

Where we get into trouble is if we just assume these sentiments will eventually go away with time and the anger will eventually subside. WRONG! Time does NOT heal all wounds. Time helps, but only Christ can heal our hurts and even then, only if WE let Him. So, here I am faced with the decision of how to handle this offense in my life. The first thing I knew I had to do was immediately reign in my thoughts. I know the danger of allowing my imagination to just run wild when my emotions are crazy. What I wasn’t prepared for was how difficult that would be. Time after time, I would catch myself imagining scenarios of revenge (Godly, of course) but still, in my heart, I wanted revenge. I went to the Word to find Bible verses to help me because the ones that I already had memorized weren’t doing it this time. Something was different.

Battlefield of The Mind
I found myself talking to God and asking why I was having such a challenging time. I had dealt with this type offense before and was able to overcome it, but this was really doing a number on me. Can I just testify about how good my God is? He knows when I’m hurting and it hurts Him too. He doesn’t mind my questions. He doesn’t get annoyed with me because I want to know why I am feeling a certain way and why I couldn’t seem to shake it off. I love that we can’t hide anything from God and when He gives us revelation, it’s always simple, but profound and life-changing. I learned something from Him about myself that day….I am a good friend; I didn’t do anything to deserve being betrayed and other people’s choices are not a reflection of my character.  I also learned when I am in a relationship with someone, it’s genuine and pure so when betrayals blindside me, it’s a deep wound. God wasn’t disappointed that I was hurt…He reassured me, comforted me and then said, “Ok now….when you’re ready, share this experience so others can be prepared when it happens to them.”

I left it in God’s hands to deal with and I continue to make that same choice every time the devil tries to tempt me to take it back again. The law of sowing and reaping works in every part of our lives, for good and bad. There’s no time to waste wondering how the people in our lives who betray us will reap that harvest. That’s none of our business. God has work for us to do church. People are dying everyday without Christ and entering an eternity in hell, forever separated from Him….I’m not going to let that happen on my watch just because of someone else’s choices that temporarily affected me. God’s not going to hold me responsible for someone else’s choices, He will hold me responsible for mine, including how I respond when people hurt me.

David wrote in Psalm 51:

“Create in me a clean heart, O God. 

Renew a loyal spirit within me.”

We cannot afford to have our hearts polluted with offenses because it affects our hearing. Offenses are so loud and obnoxious in our head. God speaks in a still, small voice. He’s not going to compete with our free will. If we choose to listen to thoughts of revenge, He will stand back and allow it. We need to work everyday to keep our hearts clean and pure before God. It’s a good practice to give Him daily permission to deal with the issues in our heart. Ask God to give you the courage to show you truth about yourself. It’s humbling, but if we’re serious about being a vessel for God in these last days, purity of heart is a non-negotiable. We cannot afford to allow the devil any access to our lives, especially when Jesus paid such a high price to strip Satan’s authority to do it.

Be encouraged by this blog and take it to your prayer closet this month. It’s time to let go of offenses and get busy multiplying our gifts and talents for Jesus. With Easter right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to reflect on developing a heart of gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice. I don’t know about you, but I don’t what His death to be in vain in my life.

Be sure to take advantage of my Mother’s Day Special Bundle of all 3 of my newest book releases, plus a bonus signed copy of my autobiography, From Vegas To Victory for $40. It’s a great gift for your mom or the “mother” figures in your life! Simply go to my website and click the Book Bundle link on the homepage. If you would like me to sign them to anyone, I am happy to do that, just click on the Contact Judy tab and provide the information.

I will be speaking at Home Church St. Louis on June 3 & 4 (sorry guys, this one’s for ladies only) If you’re in the St. Louis area, please come! I’d love to see you! It’s going to be powerful event as we focus on The Wonders of His Love. For more information, click the “Speaking Engagements” tab on my website.

Make It A Great Day!