
What Happened?
While I was meditating on what to write this month, I realized quickly that I hadn’t done a monthly blog since November! “Where have you been, Judy?” Well, between the holidays, a complete house renovation and the month of January stolen by sickness, my computer got pushed to the side. The good news is, I have fired it back up and have no intention of letting it collect any more dust!

Perseverance….I learned a greater appreciation for this powerful word, especially while Rick and I were both attacked by Covid-19 in January. We had heard so many reports about what to expect; “it’s like a cold…a few sniffles, maybe a headache, not a big deal at all…” Well, suffice it to say, that was NOT our experience! I feel like I lost an entire month of my life and at times, found myself in a curled up heap on the floor crying out to God to reveal any hidden sin in my life so I could repent because I was sure I would see Him face to face that day!

We Survived and Are Pressing On
Rick and I are STILL overcoming some of the last few stubborn effects of Covid, but their days are numbered because they cannot stay in our bodies! If this experience has taught me anything, it’s the power of prayer and the spoken Word of God. I firmly believe that our faith in God, the prayers of the saints, along with several prescribed controversial medications are the reason we overcame this sickness.

Honestly, I thought we had miraculously escaped being infected with this virus. After all, we were confessing Psalm 91 daily, taking our supplements and special “immunity cocktails” and believing for supernatural protection. So what happened? How did this wicked thing make its way into my home? What had I missed? Where had my faith failed? Even though I didn’t receive an answer to those questions, I believe I learned a much more valuable lesson…perseverance in the midst of unexpected challenges. In times of weakness, when we are at our most vulnerable, it’s easy to fall into self doubt and even question God’s plan, especially if nothing is happening the way you thought it would. Thank God, He understands our frailty and is well acquainted with our tests and trials; He doesn’t abandon us when we succumb to entertaining occasional thoughts of doubt and unbelief in the gaps of our faith journey. He is a loving Savior who gently reminds us of the promises in His Word and His covenant with us.

Overcoming Disappointment
I don’t know about you, but I am a “reflector”. Once I was on the other side of this most recent challenge, I began to analyze my behavior and my choices or responses during this time. I was pretty disappointed with some of the things I had allowed myself to think and say just because I wasn’t feeling well. How quickly I went from a faith giant to a sniffling, whining complainer shocked me. But the most disturbing thing was feelings of disappointment in God and how this had been allowed to make its way into our lives. I really struggled with that at times.

What do you do when what’s happening in your life doesn’t line up with your confession? Do you just throw your hands in the air and the Bible in the trash concluding that this “faith stuff” doesn’t work? How do we overcome disappointments? There’s no shortage of biblical examples to pull from: Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Hannah, David, Paul…even Jesus dealt with disappointment. Yet, in each of those scenarios we see the faithfulness of God in the end. That’s the key. Can you maintain your faith and confidence in God’s faithfulness when you haven’t seen an answer to your prayer yet?

There are answers I still haven’t received for questions I have asked God for years. I have learned something about my Heavenly Father though….if He wants me to know, I’ll know. Sometimes He withholds things because He knows what’s best for us and sees things from a perspective that we don’t. This is where trust comes in. (Side note, my husband Rick is MUCH better at this than me.)

I had to reach back and begin to rehearse ALL the times God has been faithful to me. As I did that, all the doubt and frustration seemed to melt away. Had my circumstances changed? No, but the way I responded to them did.

The Word Works
This entire ordeal reminded me of the power of speaking God’s Word. David did the same thing when he said in Psalm 42:5 (NLT):

“Why am I so discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?

I will put my hope in God – I will praise Him again, my Savior and my God.”

As I continued to meditate on the goodness of God and His faithfulness, I realized again what a powerful spiritual warfare tool memorizing Scripture is and speaking the Word of God in times of need. Never forget, the Word of God is alive! It’s powerful and when we speak it out of our mouths, good things happen! I still listen to the Bible all night long. I have been doing this for years because I learned our spirit never sleeps. So even while my physical body is sleeping, my spirit and soul are being fed! We must develop perseverance, especially in these trying times. We cling to the promises in God’s Word, knowing that He is faithful to us and will always take care of us.

We are extending the special bundle of all 3 of my newest book releases, plus a bonus signed copy of my autobiography, From Vegas To Victory for $40. It’s a great gift for your mom or the “mother” figures in your life! Simply go to my website and click the Book Bundle link on the homepage. If you would like me to sign them to anyone, I am happy to do that, just click on the Contact Judy tab and provide the information,

Make It A Great Day!