Never Give Up On You!

Your mindset makes the difference…the choice is yours!
It sounds catchy and makes for a great title, but not so easy to do. I’ve lost count of the number of times I wanted to give up on me. Looking at myself in the mirror, I would say, “Too much abuse, too much addiction, too much trauma. There’s just no way I will ever be free from the consequences of my own poor choices or the affects of toxic people in my life.”

The Game Changer
I didn’t realize I was missing a vital element in the process. I was trying to change myself and it was exhausting and frustrating. I felt like I would take one step forward and two steps back. I would try so hard to change my mind, my mouth, my attitude and my actions, but I just couldn’t seem to make any permanent headway. Unfortunately, my husband and my kids usually sustained the most collateral damage as they were the closest to me.

Then one day I came across this bible verse: And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. – Philippians 1:6

Something clicked…I had left God out of the equation. He’s the one who saved my life when I was a hopeless alcoholic, drug addicted prostitute. He rescued me when nobody else cared and now I was trying to finish the work without Him. From that day on, I have invited Him into every breath, every thought, every word and every decision.

Since that moment, every aspect of my life has been improving. At times, I felt like I would fill a swimming pool with my tears, but there was a lot of healing that needed to happen in my soul. So much pain and heartache from years of self – inflicted abuse and toxic relationships was not going to change in just one day, but I was determined.

A New Outlook
I realized that God was not angry with me. He wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed by me, but He had forgiven me of all my sins AND still had an amazing plan for the rest of my life! I changed my mindset to match what God said about me and I started to see myself differently. I shook off the defeated mindset of a prostitute and an addict and took on the victorious mindset of a daughter of the King of Kings. It changed everything then and it’s still changing me today. What are you struggling and frustrated with? What torments you and haunts your soul, keeping you prisoner to dark and toxic thoughts? I guarantee you that God has the answer if you will allow Him to be a part of the equation. Nothing is too difficult for Him and He’s waiting for you with open arms. He knows about all the pain, the betrayal, the abuse and He also knows you’re angry because you feel like He abandoned you when you needed Him the most. He knows everything about you.

Never give up on you. Your life matters and God has an amazing plan for you. He’s ready to begin the healing process. His presence is the most comforting and peaceful place in the world and it’s where the real healing begins.