Make Up Your Mind!

Before I surrendered my life to Jesus, I was a professional heathen. I wasn’t bashful about it, I was outspoken, cocky, arrogant and prideful. I couldn’t have cared less about offending you, in fact, it was my goal and I reveled in a sick satisfaction when I achieved it.

My mouth used to get me in more trouble than I care to ever admit. BUT…when Christ entered my life, He transformed me (and still is). My nature changed and I adapted to heaven’s culture instead of the world’s.

I wasn’t a timid sinner, so I will never be a timid Christian.

If you follow me on any platform, you will see encouragement, transparency, truth and advocacy standing up to injustice, especially regarding innocent children.

However, I’ve noticed some pushback via silence or indifference from an unexpected place…other Christians. Isn’t it interesting that no one used to challenge me as a heathen when I would “go off” about something I was passionate about.

Being double-minded and afraid to take a bold stand for Christ can have negative consequences in both our personal and spiritual lives. When we are afraid to speak up for what’s right because we might offend people, we compromise our biblical values and beliefs which leads to inner conflict and lack of authenticity.

In addition, being indecisive can cause others to lose trust in us and our ability to lead. It’s important to find a balance between being considerate of others’ feelings while also standing firm in our Christian convictions. By doing so, we will build stronger relationships and achieve greater success in advancing Kingdom initiatives.

My passion is the Gospel. Full stop. That looks different for me almost every day. One day it’s helping people, or maybe introducing someone to Christ. Another day, it’s shouting an injustice as loud as I can. Many days, it’s on my knees, spending time with the One Who stokes my fire.

I will never stop pursuing Him and burning as brightly as I can for Him. His presence in my life includes ALL that He is, which includes correction. If I get out of line about something, He is quick to bring me back.

I seek His guidance regarding everything I post on social media. You may agree with it or not; that is not my concern. I am not perfect and I will make mistakes, but when I do, I will be the first to tell you about it.

Church, it’s a different time. The Remnant is rising and we are unapologetic about our boldness because we know Who is backing us. We will not shut up, we will not back down, we will not retreat and we will not lose. I’ve read the back of the Book.

