Living In Freedom Everyday

It’s Summertime in America!
I am SO ready for summer sandals, salads, barbecues, ice cold Arnold Palmers and everything else that glorious summertime brings with it! There’s just something about a change of seasons that sparks renewed hope in the atmosphere, especially when the last year has brought so much toxic anger and stress into everyone’s lives. It’s a welcome change to look forward to a summer of peace!

I’m a huge sports fan so I’m very excited about the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo. I love seeing the world class competition and all the countries represented. The happiness on the athletes’ faces when they receive their medals and hear their national anthem is always so moving. All the hours of training and sacrifice rewarded for the entire world to witness as they represent their country with honor and pride.

Living A Life of Freedom
Here in the US, we celebrate our nation’s independence on the 4th of July every year. American flags dominate the decorative theme for front doors, front lawns, garages and centerpieces on the table. In a country where freedom is so liberal, it’s easy to take it for granted and forget the price that was paid for us to enjoy this blessing.

Anyone who knows us will tell you that Rick and I honor our nation’s military forces and first responders every chance we get because we are well aware that without them, we wouldn’t have this life of liberty we cherish. We appreciate their sacrifice and their commitment to service. Our sons are both Marines, my brother was an Army Ranger, our fathers both served in the Army as well. Many of the brave men and women I have met and served alongside during my travels around the world are currently or have served in our nation’s military. They are people of uncompromising character, diligent work ethic and loyal beyond comprehension. Our prayers are constantly with these amazing individuals (and their families) who choose to put themselves in harms way in order to protect the United States of America.

Words of Wisdom from a Retired Navy SEAL Commander
For one of my upcoming book releases, I had the privilege of interviewing Retired Navy SEAL Commander Daniel O’Shea. It was the honor of a lifetime to listen to this courageous patriot share about his love for America and his experience as a Navy SEAL. We spoke about many things, all of which will be detailed in the book, but I will share with you here his parting statement before we concluded our conversation:

“I’m blessed—thankful I was able to serve. When you are overseas—you don’t care about all the bullsh** you can get wrapped around. Had I not gone to BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL), had I not been a SEAL, I wouldn’t have the perspective I have. Those who have never had to defend liberty don’t understand how precious it is…”

—Retired Navy SEAL Commander Daniel O’Shea

Those words rang in my ears for days afterwards. I have been fortunate to travel to many countries in my lifetime and I have seen firsthand people whose freedoms have been stripped from them. I am proud that the United States of America lends its strength and mindset of generosity to other nations. We are a missions-minded country and benevolence is one of the hallmarks of our nation’s approach to other countries and people groups around the world.

Protecting Our Freedoms
Standing up for our Constitutional rights has become a daily exercise recently. And as is expected, if you haven’t worked a particular muscle group for a while, the results can be painful, but you know if you keep at it, you will achieve your goal. Some people are very public about standing up for their rights and others do it in a more discreet manor. Regardless of your approach to defending your freedom, the most important thing is that you DO IT. Otherwise, they (our rights) will continue to be systematically taken and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I have learned the reason bullying goes unchecked is because bullies don’t count on their victims standing up for themselves or they believe they are exempt from any consequences to their actions. What we have witnessed in America recently is the awakening of a sleeping giant. People are increasingly fed up with government overreach from local school boards to the White House. They are beginning to push back and stand up for themselves and future generations.

For some of us it’s new territory because we’ve never had to deal with the challenges we have been faced within the last year. Conflicting narratives mixed with confusion, exposure of corruption, and greed have left a very bitter taste in many people’s mouths and has led to a complete distrust of leadership. What can we do?

Pray. We need a revival in America and God is raising people up to usher it in. The Body of Christ is grabbing ahold of its authority and mustering the boldness to take back our country. We are unifying under the banner of “One Nation Under God” and we will not be denied. We are standing up to Satan, the bully who is attempting to destroy our country and we are evicting him and his demonic cohorts! Each of us has a role to play in this movement. I encourage you to spend some quiet time with God and ask Him what part you play in taking back our country. He has gifted you with talents, skill sets and life experiences that uniquely qualify you to be a part of the team. We need you.

Keep an eye out this month for another book launch that deals with this very topic. It’s time to mobilize and take your place. We have a country to save.

Thank you to everyone who has already ordered their copy of my most recent book, “Good Morning Abba”. It’s a 52-week devotional designed to usher you into God’s presence and develop a deeper walk with Him. It’s a record of my personal, intimate conversations with God and how He’s walked me through from a place of pain to power. It’s available in paperback (August 16, 2021), e-book and Audible at Good Morning Abba.