Change Is Here….Now What?

Change is here….right now. We are at a serious fork in the road. Change is no longer knocking on the door, it’s happening all around us. Every one of the seven cultural mountains is being shaken and going through change. The question is, now what? How will we respond to these changes?

Change is an interesting thing; it seems that most people either love it or hate it, with some content to continue pretending it won’t affect them. While some changes touch us more than others, the undeniable truth is, eventually we will be forced to deal with it. There is so much volatility swirling around us these days. Confirmation of this lies within the very definition of the word:

Liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

Unfortunately, volatility has been the most prevalent type of change in our faces recently. There is a silver lining to this dark cloud though and we find it in God’s Word. I don’t like some of the things that are happening around me, but I am not powerless to do anything about it. I can pray, I can vote, I can make phone calls and send emails. I can organize events and rally people to a righteous cause. However, all of these are a waste of time if they are not Spirit-led. Just because something seems to be a good thing doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a “God thing”.

“But Judy! Look at what’s happening in the government! It’s SO frustrating to see the injustice and the corruption!” I agree 100%. But we (born-again, disciplined followers of Christ) do NOT react out of our emotions. Our responsibility is to pray, seek God’s face and listen for Holy Spirit’s strategy and revelation of our role, then respond with obedience. THIS is the most important thing we can do!

Don’t diminish the power of prayer! Don’t overlook the power of our unity as the Body of Christ. Together, we are unstoppable and we have God’s Word to back us up. It’s ok to be frustrated, but take it to the prayer closet. It’s ok to be vocal about standing up for what’s right, but first, take it to the prayer closet. It’s perfectly ok to be upset about the unfairness of the changes we see happening all around us, but TAKE IT TO THE PRAYER CLOSET.

It’s critical now for seasoned believers to know what their specific role is in the Body of Christ and how God wants to utilities their gifts and talents to see His Will accomplished in the earth. We will continue to go through changes. This should NOT come as a surprise to us. It’s imperative that we adjust accordingly.

Don’t fall into the enemy’s trap and get stuck in methods, agendas, past successes or assumptions. This will be the quickest way to stagnation and quenching what Holy Spirit wants to do in your life, in the church and in your nation. God is not the least bit interested in maintaining your comfort zone. 

Each of us has a role and it’s up to us to get with God in our prayer closet to receive our “daily briefing” from Him. We will be required to pick some things up and lay some things down. What has always worked in the past may not be what God wants to do now. If we refuse to change, we will miss out on experiencing the best that God has for us and being a part of what He’s doing in our communities and our nation.

Be encouraged today…if you have been resistant to change in the past, ask God to help you break out of that bad habit. I know it’s scary. God has asked me to start and stop things that absolutely petrified me and made no sense in the natural. He has asked if I would be willing to pick up or lay down positions, relationships, salaries and “my way of doing things” in order to step into something I have never done before. It’s terrifying, but when you know Him, you trust Him and you know His plans are what’s best for you, your family and the world.

The Lord spoke to me recently during one of my morning walks. He said, “Judy, stop looking for Me in all the places you used to find Me. I’m doing things differently now. I’m answering prayers differently, I am moving in my Body differently and I am moving in your nation differently. If you assume that I will always move the way you’re used to, you will miss what I am doing. Everything is changing. Be willing to learn, be flexible. Don’t hang on to ANYTHING too tightly.” 

We are being challenged with change. It’s here…right now. How will we respond?

